Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Students fight for seats in the 7000 Report

Not as usual at breakfast in one star hotels in Earth Parahyangan most of his guest-gray and white uniforms, even though today was a long weekend.

When out of the hotel, the road to Dago crowded with cars from all directions berplat D and B. The goal all the same, towards the ITB Jl Taman Sari.

Approximately 7000 students from throughout Indonesia today following the Bandung Institute of Technology entrance exam in Bandung centralized. Most students are from outside Greater Jakarta and Bandung, has been boarding before he followed an intensive lessons for incoming ITB in Bandung.

There are also students who are taken directly from the Greater Jakarta area because his parents did not goto the hotel for two days following the test today and Sunday.

To test this centralized, management ITB Rectorate Rp850.000 registration charge per applicant.

ITB has been held previously in the area of the entrance test, which could be followed by prospective students in their respective regions, and for the costs imposed registration form Rp800.000

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